
Friday, 4 April 2014

Grand Canyon - in the snow

On Wednesday 3 April we went to the Desert Watch Tower. We got there by car. When we got there Karl and I raced ahead of Mama and Papa. Karl and I climbed to the top of the tower. At the top of the tower Karl and I saw the excellent view of the Colorado River. From the top of the tower there was a lot of the Colorado River to see.We got our photo's taken by a self timed camera.

Later we listened to a Ranger talk at Navajo Point about the effects of the dams on the Colorado river and the Grand Canyon. After the talk Karl and I got our Junior Ranger badges for this National Park( Grand Canyon). We had to show her our books and do the Junior Ranger Pledge( she said the Junior Ranger Pledge wrong . One of the facts I learnt was that the Colorado River was red because of all the sediment but because they put in dams to clear the sediment so now the Colorado River is blue. In Spanish Colorado River means red.            

We went on the shuttle bus to Hermit's Rest along the Grand Canyon's Rim. When we got to Hermit's Rest we looked in a building which was warm as it was 0 Degrees outside. Most of the buildings we went in to were dating from the early 1900(1901 to 1905).

We had our dinner and retired to our hot and cozy room. Our car was covered in snow when we went back to our room. The temperature is much difference from Christchurch when it is 0 Degrees because we were up at 7000 feet. When I say 0 Degrees do you think it is cold at Grand Canyon. Well it is kind of cold. Once it reached -1.1 Degrees in Grand Canyon. In the winter season they normally have a lot of snow. The snow that was falling was different shapes in different places.                                  

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